Is your business a Sharknado? Recently, the SyFy channel aired one of its made for TV movie creations–Sharknado. Yes, it's a terrifying shark inland invasion created by a hurricane-turned-water spout tornado. Sharks swimming in flooded waters, just waiting to...
If your model is Business to Business–LinkedIn is THE social media channel you need to have a presence in, be familiar with, and use often. LinkedIn is more than just a recruiting website–it's a social media networking site for professionals. Unlike...
Hi friends! Here is a short and sweet walk through on how to create a Google+ Page for your business. I suggest linking in your YouTube channel as well. Google is a force to be reckoned with, and it's trying very hard to be all the things Facebook is not. With Google...
Having a Facebook page for your business is becoming one of those ‘norms' in business–clients and customers expect it. Why is having a Facebook page a good idea? It can serve as a forum to listen to your customers, get feedback on products or services,...
I just read a great blog post by Mack Collier called “Suck it Up Buttercup The World Does Not Owe You a Like or a Retweet!” Collier explains that he made a conscious decision to cut back on Facebook and Twitter time and saw a significant drop off in client...
Pinterest is the latest social media site that is visually driven, allowing users to pin topics of interests to self-created virtual boards. Think of it as a virtual organization tool for great discoveries online. Users “pin” a picture of the product or...
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Hi, I’m Julia McPherson, founder of Innerspace Marketing, a boutique web design and marketing automation firm. I’m a Certified ONTRAPORT Consultant, and have over 17 years in marketing, automation, and web/graphic design. I love helping business owners gain more time, with fewer headaches, through design and automation.