Grow Your Email List with this YouTube Feature
YouTube has allowed video producers to add annotations for a while now. However, just recently, you can now add a link to the "Associated Website" for your YouTube account. Marketers all over the world are all doing "Jazz Hands" and jumping for joy. As YouTube is the...
How to Ensure Your Google Analytics Data is Never Lost
In this video I'll show you how to make several views for your Google Analytics account. You will have a view to test, a view to apply once your testing has been done, and a raw data view that is there for safekeeping. [pb_vidembed title="Google Analytics Views"...
How to Install Google Analytics on Any Website
Google Analytics is a free tool that can give you mountains of insight into your customers and they way they use your site. If you have a website, I highly recommend setting up Google Analytics as soon as possible. The sooner you start collecting data from your...
Best Practices for Making Changes to Your WordPress Website
Technology changes at lightening speed--and in the world of self-hosted WordPress sites, you've probably come across this anytime there's an update to the WordPress core. Plugins may go haywire, things look wonky, themes get jacked, or worse--the dreaded Internal...
Overcoming Email List Anxiety
Twice this week, I've had conversations with friends around email list anxiety. It happens--I've gone through it myself. One friend has a large number of subscribers who've transitioned with her when her business changed. She's afraid to email this segment of her list...
How to Become a Killer Serial Emailer
Killer Serial? Get it? Like what I did there? Okay--so sometimes my Dad's silly puns and wacky wording get the best of me. I purely blame genetics and too much Dexter. I've been thinking a lot about email automation and how you can make the most out of your email...
Hot and Easy Email Opt-in Forms for Your Site – Code Free
After doing several tutorial videos on how to create email opt-in forms for your WordPress website, I thought I'd share with you an easier, sexier way to get the look you want without the hassle of changing CSS code. And the best part--the free version gives you loads...
Easy Way to Track and Measure Your Social Media Performance
Marketing can feel like shooting arrows in the dark--if you don't track and measure your performance. Social Media is one of those nebulous areas, hiding just outside of your Google Analytic's peripheral vision. Ah, it doesn't have to be that way! Don't get me wrong,...
SEO Marketing with Images on Your Business Website
You may have heard it around the old blogosphere water cooler - "Always include an image with your post!" Even social media experts are touting this image essential philosophy--with good reason. In a study by HubSpot, researchers evaluated 8,800 B2C and B2B Facebook...