Please wait while the policy is loaded. If it does not load, please click here. Grow Your Email List with YouTube's Annotation Feature

YouTube has allowed video producers to add annotations for a while now. However, just recently, you can now add a link to the “Associated Website” for your YouTube account. Marketers all over the world are all doing “Jazz Hands” and jumping for joy. As YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine (after big daddy Google), it's a big deal.

I recommend you do one thing first on your website, and this is sound advice comes from Derek Halpern of Social Triggers–thank you Derek!

Create a page on your website that just has your email list opt-in web form. The url for mine is, so in essence, I named the page “Email”. Now, this is a handy-dandy landing page to send people to sign up for your newsletter. In addition to this, add a menu item in your navigation bar called “FREE UPDATES” and link it to the email landing page you just created. You've probably seen this across the web-o-sphere. It works.

In this short tutorial, I'll show you how to add an annotation that's a direct link to your email opt-in web form. Now when you add your link, you'll use the URL to the page you just created.

Email List Building with YouTube Annotations