WordPress Nicknames: How to Safe Guard Your Site
I got a lot of comments and curiosity on my recent blog post, 12 WordPress Security Measures You Can't Afford to Overlook, asking for more information on how to change your user's nickname in WordPress so it displays the nickname and not your login username. This is...
12 WordPress Security Measures You Can't Afford to Overlook
A few weeks ago, I installed WordFence Security on the websites I manage. One client emailed me, concerned, that she had 20 alert messages that someone was trying to access her website. The username they were using? "admin." Do you know why so many hackers try to hack...
How to Add a Google+ Tab to a Facebook Page
Who says Facebook and Google+ can't play in the same sand box? Now I'm not saying their sharing juice boxes just yet, but you can add a Google+ Page tab to your Facebook business page. Here's a sample image of the tab art on my business Facebook Page. ...
MailChimp vs. Aweber: Which Email Marketing Service is Right for Your Business
When it comes to email marketing services for small businesses, a few names always come up--mainly MailChimp and Aweber. Both are excellent services and there are many passionate supporters for either system. When choosing between the two, look closely at what you...
How to Purchase Your Domain Through Godaddy.com
In this video, I'll walk you through the process of purchasing your domain through Godaddy.com to start the process of building your online presence for your small business. Please make note of your username or customer number and your password and keep it in a safe...
Stake Your Claim on LinkedIn
If you serve corporations, or small to mid-sized businesses, LinkedIn is a must have social network. So much more than just a "resume" site, LinkedIn's true power comes from networking capabilities and social groups. Complete your profile to its fullest capacity and...
Get More Email Followers: How to Associate Your YouTube Channel to Your Website in Annotations
You can gain more email followers with YouTube. In this short video, In this video, I'll show you how to associate YouTube channel to your website in annotations to leverage your YouTube exposure. As the great Derek Halpern of Social Triggers suggests, I recommend...
Easy Content Curation with Google
Never be at a loss for what to post on your business's social media sites again. There are two easy tools from Google you can use to start getting curated content in your inbox, and help you identify the latest trends. No, I'm not talking about Miley Cyrus's weird...