I want to invite you to a mind shift–an alternative perspective on what your website is to you and your business. I'd like you to envision your site as living, breathing entity–maybe a friendly houseplant. A plant? Why not. Just like a plant needs sunshine, water, and tender love and care–you business website needs continual TLC. Think bonsai, with meticulous pruning and nurturing. Summon your inner Mr. Miyagi.
It's never “one and done.”
Your website should be in flux–through a timely process of growth and adaptation to your business' and client's needs. One way to achieve this is through a blog. Google, Bing and Yahoo along with other search engines love you for having blog. They eat new content for breakfast. Literally. Regular blogging is not only great for your site's SEO, it also helps to peak visitor's interests and lend social proof credibility to your position as a leader.
I encounter so many business owners that say “Yeah, I've got a site. But it hasn't been updated in [insert a crazy number of years here]. I know I need to update it, but I just don't have the time.” Or maybe, “I can't get web guy to call me back.” That one hurts my heart just a little. You paid good money for your site and the person you entrusted with the task has turned their back on you? We're not all like that, I promise.
You don't have to be a victim of stale-site-itis.
That's why I build WordPress sites. WordPress puts the power to make changes, updates and blog, right at your fingertips. Make changes in seconds. It's liberating and exciting at the same time. Hitting the refresh button makes me giddy sometimes!
If you don't have time to learn WordPress or make changes to your website. It's okay–you can hire an expert to help you put your website to work for you. It is your own special, unique place on the web. It deserves to bloom. Are you ready to grow something amazing?
Comment below and tell me your vision of you dream website.