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“You make friends everywhere,” my husband said with a bit of an eye roll after waiting for me to finish chatting with a lady at the gym.

People love to give me their abbreviated life story, packed into a few minutes. I’m smiley and unassuming, I suppose. I give off trusting energy. 

Today I learned from Rebecca – a fit woman who was doing an impressive handstand against the gym wall – that she has lost 96 lbs. since her divorce by just prioritizing her gym time every morning at 5 am. Weight lifting is her jam. She also gets annoyed at chatty groups of gym goers who hog the equipment. And she has a nemesis, Ponytail Girl, who regularly claims the squat rack and disappears for 20 minutes at a time.

Poor gym etiquette, Ponytail Girl.

I respect Rebecca.

She’s putting herself first and reaping the rewards, despite having to wait for equipment. 

She’s not afraid to show up and push forward.

I’m taking a lesson from her and showing up everyday in my life. No matter if it’s family, health, self-care or business.

This life on Earth is precious. I believe we’re here to support one another and everyone you meet has a lesson to teach.

There’s a lot of noise right now about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Large Language Models, and frankly, some of it is alarming. That said, there are a lot of areas it help make advancements, in terms of medicine and science.

Honestly, I didn’t sit down to write about AI… it’s just been on my mind this month.

I'm a huge Sci-Fi fan and after watching this video, it feels like we're living in the realm of Terminator, Blade Runner, and fantasizing about Snake Plissken with his finger on the EMP button to fry all the computers and plunge is back into the dark ages.

Human connection can’t be replaced. Our energy, our life force, can’t be replicated by AI. 

You matter, and your voice matters. 

AI is just another tool in our toolbox. It won’t replace the essence of you.

Hopefully, the creators will come together for some required boundaries and “gym etiquette” around AI. There have been a few tools that I’ve been testing out. Here’s a list of what I’m experimenting with right now:

Marketing Magic Dashboards

Marketing Magic Dashboards from Marketing with Menekse (affiliate link). Menekse Stewart has weaved marketing magic with the power of Google Sheets and ChatGPT. You fill in the blanks, and the spreadsheet talks to ChatGPT and then  fills in the sheet for you. There’s dashboards for email, sales pages, blog posts, shop items, social media and more. For the price, you’re getting an incredible deal. It teaches you how to create your own API key OpenAI for ChatGPT which uses tokens – so that’s the “ongoing” cost of using the dashboards. 

Did I mention in OpenAI you can fill out a form to request to use your API privately, so the data isn’t collected and used to improve the engine? Oh yeah, Menekse covers how to do that in her Marketing Dashboards course. She’s switching the interface to an app, which should be easier to navigate and I’m sure her pricing for the product will be increasing when the app is refined, so now is a good time to join. 


WriteSonic (affiliate link) is an AI tool to help with writing, blog posts, product descriptions and more. If you need help summarizing ideas or just getting started with writing regularly, WriteSonic is a great place to start. I really like that it can help with SEO optimization.

Artsmart AI

Artsmart AI (affiliate link) is an image creator tool that I grabbed a deal off of AppSumo (affiliate link). There is a credit system, but as far as the prompt guidance goes, this tool is really good. I’ve got 2 other tools for image creation – Midjourney and SuperMachine, but ArtSmart has the easiest interface to use. SuperMachine’s support to help you get your prompt refined is stellar though. These tools are improving all the time as the tech advances. It takes a bit of patience to get an image that’s good using any AI art generator, so don’t give up. LOL, this blog post image was made with Artsmart AI. Not bad!

Gasby AI Assistant

Gasby AI Assistant – This is more of a research tool that interfaces with ChatGPT. I went ahead and upgraded to the single license (a one-time fee) as the creator is forthcoming on improvements that he’s doing to the tool. Again, you set up an API key with OpenAI and you pay for the API tokens on usage. This one isn’t on GTP-4 yet, but soon will be. It’s a handy little tool to have at my fingertips. I love that it has built-in shortcuts.. Gasby is a great way to test the waters of AI for free if the ChatGTP interface feels overwhelming. 

The Rundown

Lastly, I try to keep up with AI as it’s moving at light-speed. I do that by subscribing to The Rundown email newsletter, which gives me the 411 with what’s happening in AI land. It’s easy to scan and full of useful information. I picked up Gasby the other day from reading it.

Sending you sweet dreams of electric sheep,


PS – I wrote this one without AI assistance, but I did ask Gasby to come up with 10 titles for my post!