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You may have heard it around the old blogosphere water cooler – “Always include an image with your post!” Even social media experts are touting this image essential philosophy–with good reason.

In a study by HubSpot, researchers evaluated 8,800 B2C and B2B Facebook business page posts from 1,545 companies. The Facebook business pages that included a photo with their post received 53% more likes than posts without an image. These posts also garnered 104% more comments than their text-only posts.

How you post your image on the page is important as well. If you just post a link that pulls in your blog post photo–it's small (image on the right).

Facebook photo upload comparison for small business marketing


If you actually upload the same photo used in your post to Facebook and then include some text with a link (using a free link shortener service like –more below), then you'll see a much larger, eye catching photo on the left in the sample above.



What's even more staggering regarding the study–Hubspot found that 60% of the posts surveyed did not include a link to their website. 60%. That's a huge missed opportunity to drive people off of Facebook and on to their business site to capute leads. Don't make the same mistake!

Want an easy way to track which social media site is bringing in the visitors? You can use the free link shortener service Get step by step instructions on how to use Bitly to track and measure each social media channel. Oh, and there's a video tutorial too!

Bitly as part of marketing strategy

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