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Dr. Emily Kiberd
Dr. Emily Kiberd

Dr. Emily Kiberd is a chiropractor and advocate for women with thyroid issues and Hashimoto's. After dealing with her own diagnosis with Hashimoto's, she created a kettlebell work out program specifically for Hashimoto women to help them gain muscle, lose weight and combat brain fog and fatigue.

Dr. Emily needed both a personal website and a membership site. We built a membership site with AccessAlly that now houses multiple programs for her audience, women with Hashimoto's. During our work together we also migrated her entire Infusionsoft/Keap platform to Ontraport where we have built multiple opt-in automations and sales + after purchases automations to engage her customers.

Working with Julia helped me gain more sales and feel like I found someone reliable and creative to do future projects.

I’ve worked with 5 different web site designers and developers over the last 8 years of all budget ranges. Julia is by far the best. Everyone comments how beautiful my website is and her ability to foresee the needs of the site before I did was a blessing. She migrated me from Infusionsoft/Keap to Ontraport and helped me set up my membership site with AccessAlly.

Dr. Emily Kiberd

Chiropractor, Creator of Thyroid Strong