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mobile phone

Statistics show that the mobile web is exploding and by 2014, mobile internet use will overtake internet desktop use. Is your website mobile ready? Here are 5 things to consider what users want, need and expect in their mobile browsing experience. Remember mobile sites should be a high-level view of your site, but maintain your brand integrity.

1) Touch friendly navigation. Finger ease use is essential. Have you ever navigated the web via mobile and click on the wrong thing simply because too many items were too close together and clickable? Don't frustrate your users. Make your navigation buttons span the width of the device and make them tall enough in height for easy finger usage. Eliminate the need for drop-down sub menus by giving the most engaging content first.

2) Just the facts, ma'am. Mobile users are on your site in search of specific information. You need to present that information at the top of the screen, in an easy to read format. Use white space around the text so that your users don't have click anxiety. Make your pages scroll vertically, just a like a traditional webpage rather than horizontally, which is not as one-hand-thumb-scroll friendly as a vertical scroll. Most mobile users will be looking for your biggest content questions, where are you located, what is your phone number, or what are your prices. You can use Google Analytics to determine which pages are most accessed to help you define your content for your mobile web version.

3) Fastest load time possible. According to Gomez, 60% of web browsers surveyed expected a site to load within 3 seconds or less. That means minimal use of graphics and for those site graphics needed, they should be fully optimized for viewing on a small screen.

4) Dark vs. Light. People user their mobile phones in a wide variety of lighting situations which can range from full glare to complete darkness. Your site can offer a light or dark mode, making it easier for your content to be viewed.

5) Utilizing built-in phone capabilities. Typing on a pull up keyboard can be a challenge. You can enhance the users experience by taking advantage of capabilities smart phones have such as GPS location or time of day. These features can help a user find you without the need to type in information.

Finally, having a link which users can click to view your full website is helpful for those searching for more detailed, second-level information. Innerspace Marketing, LLC can design a simplified, easy-to-use version of your website for ease of viewing on mobile and tablet platforms. Contact us today to help mobilize your website.