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My dad taught me how to fish when I was 8. Every good fisherman knows that the right bait can get a fish on the hook. It's the same with marketing–the right compelling offer will draw yourCatch The Big One with The Right Opt-in Lure prospect in. For me–the right bait was cheese. Okay–I admit it. I wasn't fond of wiggly worms, so a little square of cheddar was a nice alternative. The fish loved it.

For many, trying to decide what to offer to get visitors on their email list can be a huge stumbling block. Here are a few things to think about to help you find something irresistible to your visitors.

Let's focus on your ideal customer.  Grab a pen and paper and ask your self these questions. Jot down what feels right to you, but remember to put your self in your customer's shoes.

  1. Who are they?
  2. What brought them to your site?
  3. What problem do you solve better than anyone else?
  4. And most importantly–what's their pain point, right now, in this moment?
  5. What's their fear if they don't do something that relieves the pain?

Now what can you offer them for free that would be highly useful right now to dispel some of their fear? Think about something targeted (a specific subject) that would be of value to your ideal client. It could be:

  1. A topic guide
  2. A checklist
  3. A “Don't” and “Do” list related to your industry or product
  4. A worksheet like a fill in the blank PDF – PDF Escape
  5. A training or how-to video
  6. A free webinar
  7. An ebook
  8. A pattern (like for knitting or crochet)
  9. A how-to or guided meditation audio mp3 file
  10. A playlist
  11. A resource list
  12. Exclusive access to a member group or club
  13. A coupon code or discount offer
  14. A free gift or bonus (physical, mailed item)
  15. Points for loyalty program for discounts on items or services

Make it something useful and actionable that they can get instantly, in a file format easily delivered online–such as a PDF (free PDF maker – PDF995), a video file, audio file or access to a member's only online group (Private Facebook group, LinkedIn group or your own forum).

You can even sweeten the deal by bundling a few of these easy access items together. This works for both product-based businesses and for service-based businesses. Here are just a few ideas:

Jewelry designer = Best Way to Clean and Store Your Jewels

Career coach = Top 10 Mistakes People Make in Interviews and How to Avoid Them

Fitness coach = 10 Days to A Healthier You: Eating and Exercise Plan or maybe 8 Days to Better Abs Video Series

Candle Maker = How to Extinguish a Candle Without Creating Smoke + Storage Tips

Aromatherapist = 7 Scents to Energize You

Dance Teacher = Top 10 Song Playlist to Burn 500 Calories

Get creative! Think small on topic but huge on delivering value. Spend time on perfecting your layout to make it eye-catching, useful, and easy to read. Proof-read and always have a second set of eyes review so it is error-free.

Freshen up your offer or test new ideas out–don't let it be stagnant. If you're creating informational products and want to test the viability of an offer subject–create a short, free version on the topic you're thinking about offering and use it as your opt-in offer. You'll know before you put in a ton of energy if it's something that your audience is craving. Poll your customers or your Facebook/Twitter fans and ask them what they'd like to see. People will tell you–there's no shortage of opinions on social media!

Remember, that finding the right lure is a process and may take some time. You may be a hungry fisherman for a short period of time–but it's important to get started with something. Right now. Be patient with yourself and make sure to measure your conversion (opt-in) rates with each different offer so you know which one is performing best for you.

Did you find this article helpful? What's your business and your current opt-in offering?