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Enhance your business operations and improve customer interactions by leveraging custom fields in Ontraport. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating custom fields. With our instructions, you'll be able to streamline your business processes and take full advantage of the flexibility and customization that custom fields offer in Ontraport. Let's get started!

 The Benefits of Custom Fields in Ontraport

Custom fields provide a powerful way to store and organize additional data about your contacts. Whether you need to track purchase dates, membership details, or event information, custom fields offer the flexibility and customization needed to meet your specific business needs.

Accessing the Field Editor in Ontraport

To begin creating custom fields, navigate to the contact screen in Ontraport and click on “Settings.” From there, select “Field Editor,” which will take you to the contact field screen where you can add new fields and sections.

Creating Custom Fields for Your Business

Consider your business requirements and identify the data you want to capture with custom fields. For example, if you offer a monthly membership, you may want to create custom date fields for the purchase date and the last billing date. These fields can then be used to trigger automations based on specific values.

Choosing the Field Type

Ontraport offers a variety of field types to suit different data requirements. From date and time fields to list selections and text options, select the appropriate field type for each custom field you create. Make sure that the field type aligns with the data you need to capture.

Leveraging Custom Fields for Dynamic Content

Custom fields are particularly useful for personalizing email content. By utilizing merge fields, you can automatically populate email templates with information from custom fields, such as an event venue. This saves time and effort by allowing you to send personalized emails to your contacts without manual input.

Using Custom Fields for Events and Memberships

Custom fields can also be helpful for managing events and memberships. If you have recurring events with changing dates or venues, create custom fields to accommodate these variations. This enables you to reuse email templates while dynamically updating the event details using merge fields.

Staying Organized with Custom Fields

As your business grows, staying organized becomes crucial. Categorize custom fields into sections within the Field Editor to make them easier to manage. 

Custom fields in Ontraport offer endless possibilities for organizing and utilizing customer data effectively. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to create custom fields tailored to your business needs, automate processes, and deliver personalized experiences to your clients.

Want to go further with Ontraport? Check out my course, Virtually Automate with Ontraport, where you'll learn how to customize Ontraport to your business. It's perfect for new users of Ontraport, OBMs and virtual assistants who need to get up to speed using Ontraport quickly. Plus, you'll get access to pre-built templates and campaigns!