Please wait while the policy is loaded. If it does not load, please click here. Save Time with Templates in Aweber

Time is money my friend. One of the reasons I switched from Constant Contact email marketing service (which I used for many years) to Aweber is the fact that I kept losing my work in Constant Contact.

Aweber has a great autosave feature as a failsafe so that never happens. They also have an easy template system so you can custom design and save templates for later use in your marketing. Constant Contact also has a template feature, so I'm not knocking their system here. From a user standpoint, I found Aweber‘s template saves to be simple, fast and easy.

Here's a super quick video on how to save your work as a template in Aweber.

How to Save an Aweber Template

I forgot to show you in the video that you can check the “Keep My Content” option to keep the content as editable, which I recommend for preserving fonts/styles.

keep content in template check box



I like the fact I can design different templates for different marketing needs, like a weekly newsletter, a special announcement or event, and save all my work in one place. Design it once, test it and use it over and over again making sending marketing messages easy and fast.

What features do you like/dislike as an Aweber user? What about as a Constant Contact user? Leave me a comment below!